infers population history from nucleotide site patterns.

Read legofit output files; write flat file of estimates. read legofit output files; write flat file of estimates

usage: [options] <file1> <file2> ...

where <file*> files are legofit output files.
Options may include:

  -t     or --transpose    Rows are parameters rather than data sets.
  -h     or --help         Print this message.

The program writes to standard output.

For example, suppose that s2.legofit contains estimates from the real data, and estimates from bootstrap replicates are in files with names s2boot0.legofit, s2boot1.legofit, and so on. Then the following command s2.legofit s2boot*.legofit

Parameters that are missing from a .legofit file will print as "None".

The output begins with two lines of comment, which begin with a sharp character in column 1 and give (1) the date and time at which the program was run, and (2) the names of all the input files. The output then continues with (3) a row for each input file and a column for each parameter. Columns are separated by a single space character. To make the rows and columns pretty, try: s2.legofit s2boot*.legofit | grep -v ^# | column -t

The "grep" and "column" utilities are standard on Linux and OS X but not on Windows.